Food Void: Glutton for Gluten

"Uh huh, mhm. Gonna get along without you now. Uh huh, mhm. Gonna get along without you now. Got along without you before I met you, Gonna get along without you now.Gonna find somebody that's twice as cute,Cause I didn't like you anyhow."-Milton Kellem (I like She&Him version/my version) 

When we are used to something taking up a lot of space and time (both in life and in our tummies) we find a way to fill that empty space or we get sad/hungry.For life, i just try and keep busy and as for my tummy, i try and ignore/repress the hole that is left behind. At first its fine, then suddenly i'm sitting staring into an empty jar of peanut butter and wishing i'd just had 1 chocolate cookie instead. take home message: i can't physically/mentally/emotionally cut out a major food group. 

so why am i repeating the same mistake again? cutting out a HUGE staple of the american diet and replacing it with strange looking vegetables and intimidating meats/seafood? I'm not sure? I do know though that I am ready to say gluten be gone. i am no longer glutton for gluten. after a weekend of binge eating, binge drinking and zero binge sleeping i know i can't treat my body that way anymore. (who knew paradise was filled with so much gluttony?)

however, after reflecting on last week i notice there where quite a lot of repeats.things i used to fill that void where the gluten, sugar, chocolate, cookies, humus and frijoles used to take up space. 

but I think this time i may be on to something. I am hoping I can prove these food voids have tons more health benefits and are more than just a simple food placebo. 

So here it goes:

cinnamon: "It's emerging as a true wonder food in terms of health protection," says Ann Kulze, M.D., a physician in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, and author of Dr. Ann's 10-Step Diet.

    • Derived from greek word meaning "sweet wood"
    • 2 types: Cinnomum verum and Cinnamomum aromactium (cassia)
    • Cassia is most widely used in the US and comes from China, Indonesia and Vietnam 
    • contains polyphenols (antioxidants the help arteries and reduce risk of CVD*)
    • has been used for alleviate sore throats, indigestion, stomach cramps, nausea, inflammation
    • has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake in diabetics
    • 1 T has 4g fiber 
    • excellent source of mg and a very good source of Fe and ca
    • has an anti-clotting effect on blood (due to its content of cinnamaldehyde)
    • can be used as a natural food preservative

    • the plant belongs to the same family as the lily and the orchid
    • very good source of B6, good source of Vitamin C, potassium and mg 
    • K and Fiber help prevent CVD (1 banana = 467mg K and 1 mg sodium)
    • Soothes stomach ulcers by helping to activate the cells that compose the stomach ling and helping to eliminate bacteria in stomach
    • Helps body absorb ca = stronger bones
    • 3g Fiber
  • fish
    • The new dietary guidelines for 2011 just came out suggesting we replace two meat meals a week with fish. We need to be eating more fish! 

dried cranberries 

          • excellent source of Vitamin C, good source of mg and vitamin K
          • 2g fiber (1/2 cup)
          • full of phytonutrients that are known for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties
          • best used whole, but only in season through oct-dec

          pumpkin seeds and canned pumpkin 

            • Very good source of mg and phosphorus, good source of tryptophan, fe, cooper, vitamin k, zinc and protein. 
            • anti-inflammatory benefits with arthritis
            • helps protect prostate and BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy)
            • good source of monounsaturated fat
            • helps lower CHOL

          sunflowers seeds

            • excellent source  of Vitamin E, very good source of Vitamin B1 and good source of mg, copper, tryptophan, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B5 and folate. 
            • anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular benefits 
            • lower chol
            • calm nerves, muscles and blood vessels 
            • cancer fighting benefits 

          *Cardiovascular disease

          "So long, my honey, goodbye, by dear." -She&him/me 


          1. why, we'd like to see your version as a blog post.

          2. But I was introduced to gluten at such a young age- i don't think i did get along without it before i met it. This is great stuff even though i can't give up bread just yet.
