Starting Fresh

Valentine's day for me this year is about learning how to love myself. love love love myself. so how am i going to show myself i care? flowers? chocolate candies? a bubble bath? No I've decided to go with a week of no processed foods, no gluten, no dairy (which I do anyway), no legumes (main staple of my diet right now), no apples, no citrus no alcohol (already received three emails confirming the plans for our valentine martini's tonight...hhmm..maybe not a good day to choose this challenge to begin) and no yeast products. I am doing a version of the elimination diet/caveman diet.

Last year i challenged myself by training for my first marathon. half way through the training i decided to eliminate dairy just to see how i was affected (big shock to my roommates. they had watched me down huge glasses of milk in one sitting for the past four years). to my surprise i had more energy, less grouchy and just felt all around better during my runs. Well a year later i still don't miss milk or milk products. so why not try some other  food groups and see if I can make myself feel like a super star.

So far so good. I feel GREAT! but, you might ask what they heck am i eating? well i'm taking it 1 day at a time (and since this weekend is my mini-college reunion in charleston, i will not be this first phase is somewhat of a 5 day "detox".) and it is a big possibility that i will have run out of ideas by tomorrow (and have cheated with a large glass of wine tonight (quite possibly out of this glass 

But here is the food log/plan for the day:
Breakfast: Banana, raw almonds and almond milk, coffee (it is recommended to eliminate caffine, but that is not happening this VDAY, maybe next year?)
Snack: Carrots
Lunch: Tuna w/ olive oil, red wine vinegar and Dijon mustard (don't think this is a recommended item for the diet, but i couldn't handle the tuna without it) and roasted onions, eggplant and broccoli
Snack: more almond milk, grapes, strawberries and almonds, green tea
Dinner: tilapia with roasted beets, onions and Brussels sprouts

Que te vaya bien!

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